Indian Visa


Passport and Photo Guidelines for Indian eVisa: Easy Steps by Globally eVisas

Are you planning to visit India? Applying for an Indian eVisa is simple with Globally eVisas. To make sure your visa gets approved, you need to follow the rules for your passport and photo. In this guide, we will explain everything you need to know about your passport and...

process evisa online india

Everything You Need To Know About eVisa Online In India

Planning a trip to India? The first stage of your quest is to navigate the e-visa process, which might seem like a maze of incomprehensible information. But do not be afraid! Experts from Globally eVisa are here to make things easier for you. In this complete guide, we will...

india visa denial

Dealing with Visa Denials: What to Do Next – Steps to take if your Indian visa application is denied

Visa to India has never been an easy process. It is complex and nerve-wracking, especially when visiting a country as culturally rich and diverse as India. Although you put in a lot of work, still there’s always a possibility that your visa to India may be denied. But don’t...